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Happy late thanksgiving!! 

This was the first thanksgiving I’ve spent outside! Usually it’s freezing cold, but not here. We had a day full of fun, consisting of a turkey trot, football & football, making turkey hats, dinner with a sunset, and kicking off the Christmas season with a Christmas movie night. I am so thankful for all of the people God  has placed in my life and the unique way each person has been me.

Last weekend we got to climb the volcano Acatenango. It was one of the coolest most beautiful places. We hiked up on Saturday and took a short trip up Fuego which is the active volcano next to Acatenango. We got to see Fuego erupt and lava through the clouds and rain. The next morning at 3:00 we got up to summit Acatenango. The stars were out and Fuego was spitting lava across the valley. At the top we could see the sunrise. There were even a few stray dogs that followed us up. One of them kept trying to bite peoples hiking poles. I think the way down was harder than the way up, I was sure my toenails would fall off. I was blessed enough to keep 9 1/2 of them.

We only have two more weeks in Guatemala before we leave for South Africa. Our teams will be splitting up when we get there, my team and team Jubilee will be heading to Durban, where we will be partnering with Circuit Riders to do ministry.  Looking forward to it, but also trying to soak up every second in Guatemala.

Love, Rosella

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