Being on the race you really learn to embrace being flexible. After all I go where God sends me, not where my plans lead me.
As we end out time in Swaziland, the plan was to go to Indonesia. Plot twist! Due to a handful of reasons including visas being to expensive we have had to pivot. 3 of our teams will still be going to Indonesia, while 2 of our teams including mine will instead go to Malaysia.
This came as a surprise but I am no less excited about it.
It’s crazy because the original rout I signed up for hit Malaysia, then I switched it for one reason or another other. I really must be supposed to go there because here I am, going there.
I was so excited to go to Indonesia, looking forward to see the country both of my Opas grew up in, living in the culture, everything about it. It breaks my heart a little bit to have to tell Opa and Opa that I am no longer going there, that I don’t get to have that to share with them. However, it brings me aboundabtly more joy to say that I get to walk out the path God has set in place before me, to lean on his steadfast and loving charecter and to step into the next adventure.
We will be flying out of Johannesburg, SA on Tuesday. Our final destination is Padam, Malaysia.
Until Malaysia!
Love, Rosella
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